Case Resources

Case Resources

We fairly and equitably offer our services to a variety of clients and customers, and similarly we represent both plaintiffs and defendants. At the present time, our clients were 60% defendants and 40% Plaintiffs.

Following a successful consultation with the State of Hawaii’s Civil Litigation Division in which the outcome resulted in a judicial decision to rule in favor of the motion for summary judgement for the defense (State of Hawaii) prior to trial, Kendall Moser, Deputy A/G stated “your service and advice was nothing short of remarkable, and I look forward to working with you again.”

Special Note 

Joe Gunja has an over 90% success rate in all cases he has been retained as an expert, both working with plaintiffs and defendants, as well as several cases of sentencing mitigation or reductions.  While some cases were settled in lieu of court, the settlements were all in favor of the attorneys or firms he represented.